From outfit post to online shopping tips, this blog is a go to guide for any fashionista. With a gorgeous Hawaiian scenery as her backdrop
Shin started her blog as personal stlye blog and has now evolved it into a medium which connects to over 800 followers across the globe. What drawnme most to her blog was her personal sense of style. Never looking overdressed or over thought,
Shin's style is a true definition of "effortlessly chic". So when she agreed to conduct interview with little ol' me...I was more than delighted.
Personal Collage made by ME!! (Click to Enlarge)
( photocredits:fashioncappuccino)
- How long have you been doing Fashion Cappuccino and what inspired you to start a personal blog?
I've been blogging since November 2008 and I read a lot of fashion blogs. I thought I could start one and share my personal style too.
- When you’re not blogging what else do you do in your free time?
I like working out, going to the mall, hanging out with friends and reading.
- Name three pieces in your closet that you just can’t live without.
My Topshop white blazer, maxi black dress and white sheer button-up shirt.
- What’s one fact about yourself that you think your followers don’t know?
I love Cheese Burgers! I'm crazy about them. Most people take a quick look at me and think I don't eat much or that I'm a vegan, but I love, love to eat! 
- Who’s your favorite fashion blogger and why?
I have so many favorites and I keep discovering new ones all the time. I like fashion bloggers who have their own distinct style.
- If you can choose to sit in the front row at any fashion show, what show would you choose and who would you like to sit next to?
Oooh, that is a very tough question! I think if I have to just choose one, I would say Marc Jacobs because I consider him a genius and such a great designer!
Special thanks to Shin from Fashion Cappuccino. It was a pleasure!!!xoxoxo
And reader's make sure to stay tuned for my next Blogger Lover post, I have a very special blogger interview I think you all will love ;)